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  • Published Date

    January 22, 2020
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POLARIS NEW YEAR'S SALES EVENT 3YEAR WARRANTY ON SELECT 2020 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES Offer Valid 1/1/20-1/31/20 Offers vary by model. Oflers valid on select new 207 - 2020 Polaris snowmobiles purchased between i lanuary 2020 - 31 lanuary 2020. This is a limited time offer which is valid for the purchase of selected qualifying models and is subject to credit acproval trom TD Auto Fnance (TDAF) on qualifled purchases fnanced during Dis program. Offer may not be combined with certain other offers, is subject to change and may beextended retalers for complete detals and conditions. Rates trom other lenders may vary. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/tade. Minimum amount to finance is $2.500. Ofter of 6 Months NO Payment and 5 Months No Interest subject to credit approval trom TD Auto Finance on qualfied consumer purchases financed during this program. No paments required until 6 montis trom the date of purchase No financing charges will be assessed to the oustomer untl 5 months trom the date of purchase. The rate from contract inception wil be 699%. Mnimum firanced amount of $2.500. Dealer must beenrolled wth TD Auto Finance to partioipate Plese see TOAF Contaxt ist to intiate sign-up wth the irternal Sales Representative that handes your region. No dealer participation will be paid on this promo. Freight, kcense, PPSA/RPORM, insurance, registation, any retailer administration fees and other appicable fees and taxes are not induded in the financed amount. Dealers are free to set individual prices, but must be enrolled with TDAF 10 participate. Ofer is valid only in Canada and does not apply to prior purchases. The Promotional Limited Waranty consists of the standard 12-month factory warranty plus an addtional 12 or 24 months of additional promotional imited warranty coverage for a total of 24 or 36 months of warranty coverage. Any additional waranty coverage after the initial 12-month factory warranty ssutject to a $S0.00 deductbile per visit. Al rebates are paid to the dealer. Valid at partidpating Polaris dealers only. Polaris recommends hat al riders take a salety traning course. Donot attempt maneuers beyond vour capability. Always weara heimet and other safety apparel. Never driek and ride. or terminated without furnter notice See particpating save ALL JJSats IN-STOCK WINTER CLOTHING up to HELMETS, JACKETS, PANTS, 50% HATS, GLOVES, off BOOTS & MORE 939 Tungsten Street - 807-623-5042 - www.jandjsports.ca POLARISS POLARIS NEW YEAR'S SALES EVENT 3YEAR WARRANTY ON SELECT 2020 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES Offer Valid 1/1/20-1/31/20 Offers vary by model. Oflers valid on select new 207 - 2020 Polaris snowmobiles purchased between i lanuary 2020 - 31 lanuary 2020. This is a limited time offer which is valid for the purchase of selected qualifying models and is subject to credit acproval trom TD Auto Fnance (TDAF) on qualifled purchases fnanced during Dis program. Offer may not be combined with certain other offers, is subject to change and may beextended retalers for complete detals and conditions. Rates trom other lenders may vary. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/tade. Minimum amount to finance is $2.500. Ofter of 6 Months NO Payment and 5 Months No Interest subject to credit approval trom TD Auto Finance on qualfied consumer purchases financed during this program. No paments required until 6 montis trom the date of purchase No financing charges will be assessed to the oustomer untl 5 months trom the date of purchase. The rate from contract inception wil be 699%. Mnimum firanced amount of $2.500. Dealer must beenrolled wth TD Auto Finance to partioipate Plese see TOAF Contaxt ist to intiate sign-up wth the irternal Sales Representative that handes your region. No dealer participation will be paid on this promo. Freight, kcense, PPSA/RPORM, insurance, registation, any retailer administration fees and other appicable fees and taxes are not induded in the financed amount. Dealers are free to set individual prices, but must be enrolled with TDAF 10 participate. Ofer is valid only in Canada and does not apply to prior purchases. The Promotional Limited Waranty consists of the standard 12-month factory warranty plus an addtional 12 or 24 months of additional promotional imited warranty coverage for a total of 24 or 36 months of warranty coverage. Any additional waranty coverage after the initial 12-month factory warranty ssutject to a $S0.00 deductbile per visit. Al rebates are paid to the dealer. Valid at partidpating Polaris dealers only. Polaris recommends hat al riders take a salety traning course. Donot attempt maneuers beyond vour capability. Always weara heimet and other safety apparel. Never driek and ride. or terminated without furnter notice See particpating save ALL JJSats IN-STOCK WINTER CLOTHING up to HELMETS, JACKETS, PANTS, 50% HATS, GLOVES, off BOOTS & MORE 939 Tungsten Street - 807-623-5042 - www.jandjsports.ca POLARISS